Raunit Gambhir of Mumbai started his startup Chefling in August 2020 with a Rs 50,000 loan from his mother after his father's NSE-listed company, Artedz Fabs Limited, went bankrupt in the same year. The startup manufacturing ready-to-cook DIY kits launched during the coronavirus pandemic garnered attention during a Shark Tank India Season 3 episode, when 'one-man-army' Raunit got a Rs 40 lakh 4-Shark deal. Read the captivating story of the 28-year-old whose family fortunes lapsed from glory to dust, but who wants to regain the lost sheen through his ambitious startup.
Shark Tank India Season 3: Mumbai-based new-age entrepreneur Raunit Gambhir's father once owned a NSE-listed company, Artedz Fabs Limited, which went bankrupt in August 2020. The collapse left the family in tatters, and Raunit penniless, who had dreams of reviving his family business after completing his Bachelor of Business degree from Amity University, Mumbai. With his dreams shattered and family finances hitting a roadblock, the young Raunit had nothing but to take a loan of Rs 50,000 from his mother to begin a startup called Chefling, which provided ready-to-cook meal kits. Finding it a little hard to start a business with that meagre amount, Gambhir took Rs 1 lakh more from his mother.
In a do-or-die situation when stakes were high for Gambhir, the only option the Mumbaikar was left with was to turn the tides in his favour.
Cut to the present, the startup began with meagre finances shot to national fame when Raunit's Chefling got a 4-Shark deal in Shark Tank India Season 3, where four Sharks- Amit Jain, Azhar Iqbal, Namita Thapar and Piyush Bansal- purchased a 16 per cent stake in Chefling for Rs 40 lakh at a valuation of Rs 2.5 crore.
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